Sugar Daddy Capitalism Series
(live performance, videos, drawings / 2019 and 2020)
Sugar Daddy Capitalism was born as a performance art series that unfolds in a
variety of interconnected media. It investigates how the current work culture,
embodied by start-ups and the tech industry, carries a set of characteristics that have a
duplicitous and ultimately destructive nature. The so-called gig economy attracts
workers with the seductive promise of more autonomy and space for self-expression,
more freedom, and less formal, more “human” work relationships. And it does
deliver all that. But those “treats” have a bitter price when combined with rising
inequality: brutal exploitation, alienation, and an ever-eroding sense of social
connectedness and safety. Communities disappear, burnouts proliferate and
relationships become more transactional than ever.
In this series she uses sexual markets and paid emotional labor as a metaphor and
critique to the art world practices and the gig and employment culture in general.
In the video below, we see the pregnant artist holding a 78-year old man in her arms
referencing the body positions of classical pietà sculptures while a rain of powdered sugar
slowly falls from above onto their bodies, coating them in the white sugar dust.